Imnavait Creek Grid Surficial Geomorphology


Imnavait Creek Grid Surficial Geomorphology

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(from metadata) The Imnavait Creek grid map is near the center of the Upper Kuparuk River region map. The area contains surfaces with irregular topography that were glaciated during the Late Pleistocene.

The surfaces of the landscapes in the Imnavait Creek area have been modified by a variety of geomorphological processes including alluviation (movement of material by water), colluviation (movement of material by gravity), and periglacial processes (freezing and permafrost-related phenomena). Common surficial geomorphological features within the mapped area include sorted and nonsorted circles (frost boils), turf hummocks, gelifluction lobes and terraces, water tracks, high-and low-centered ice-wedge polygons, wetland features and thermokarst features.

Classes of surficial geomorphology: