Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Unit W3


Hierarchy of Geobotanical Vegetation Map Units (Walker DA 2002)

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map legend color for unit W3W3. Sedge, moss, low-shrub wetland

Wetland complexes in the warmer areas of the Arctic, dominated by sedges and low shrubs >40 cm tall. Subzone E.

Detailed Description

Wetlands in Subzone E, often bog/fen complexes with deep organic soils. Large components of dwarf-shrub tundra (Unit S1) or tussock tundra (Unit G4) are usually present in slightly elevated microsites such as peat plateaus, and palsas.
Area: 159 x 1000 km2.

Representative Syntaxa

Plant communities of the classes Oxycocco-Sphagnetea Br. -Bl. et Tx. 1943 and Scheuchzerio-Caricetea (Nordh. 1936) Tx. 1937 (cf. Ledo decumbentis-Betuletalia glandulosae Rivas-Martinez et al. 1999).

Dominant Plants

Wet sites are dominated by sedges and mosses. The main plant communities on elevated microsites are shrublands with prostrate and erect dwarf-shrubs and mosses.

    1. Sedge: Eriophorum vaginatum; Carex chordorrhiza; Carex rotundata; Carex rariflora;
    2. Moss: Sphagnum; Calliergon stramineum;
    3. Prostrate and erect dwarf-shrubs: Ledum palustre spp. decumbens; Vaccinium; Empetrum; Rubus chamaemorus; Oxycoccus microphyllum; Salix richardsoniin; Salix fuscescens; Salix myrtilloides; Salix pulchra; Betula nana s.l.;

a=acidic, n=non-acidic