Toolik Lake Permanent Vegetation Plots

Walker D.A. and Barry N. 1991. Toolik Lake permanent vegetation plots: site factors, soil physical and chemical properties, plant species cover, photographs, and soil descriptions. Data Report 48, Department of Energy R4D Program, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

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Soil Description, Plot SWT-58

soil photo
Classification:Pergelic Cryohemist, euic.
Location:Northwest side of Toolik Lake. Wetland at the end of toposequence, that begins on hill to the north of S-5, associated with SWT-57. 68°38' N, 149°38' W.
Physiographic position:Small colluvial basin.
Topography:Strangmoor and aligned hummocks in fen.
Microrelief Height:
Drainage:Poorly drained.
Vegetation:Moist Carex aquatilis s.l., Carex rariflora, Salix fuscescens , sedge, dwarf-shrub tundra
Parent material:Colluvial deposit.
Sampled by:D.A. Walker and C. Westberg, August 11, 1989.
Remarks:Hummock element of strangmoor complex. Paired with plot SWT-57. Ground frozen at 70 cm. Water table at 10 cm.
Weather:Mostly cloudy, light rain.
Horizons:Colors are for the wet soil, unless otherwise indicated.
Oi0-3 cm. Loose mat of mosses and lichens – mainly Cetraria cucullata, Aulacomnium turgidum, Rhytidium rugosum, Dicranum sp.; abrupt smooth boundary.
Oa3-8 cm. Black (5YR 2/1) sapric organic material (moist color); weak fine granular structure; moist; smooth (wet); pH = 6.6; smooth abrupt boundary. (Sample T-147).
Oe18-24 cm. Very dark brown (7.5YR 2/2.5) hemic material, tightly bound by very fine roots; est. 30 percent recognizable plant fibers after rubbing; wet; pH = 6.6; clear irregular boundary. (Sample T-148).
Oe224-37 cm. Very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) loose hemic material, composed of mostly sedge leaves; very wet; pH = 6.0; clear irregular boundary.
Cg37-45+ cm. Gray (N 4/0) clay; massive structure; saturated; smooth, very sticky, very plastic (wet); pH = 5.2. (Sample T-149).
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