Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots

Walker, D.A., Auerbach, N.A., Nettleton, T.K., Gallant, A., Murphy, S.M. 1997. Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots: Site factors, physical and chemical soil properties, plant species cover, photographs, soil descriptions, and ordination. Arctic System Science Flux Study, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

Home // Preliminary vegetation classification // Vegetation communities and sites // Legend for environmental variables // Environmental data // Relevé size, percent cover // Soils data // Relevé species data //
Appendices: Field descriptions of soils // Plot and soil photos // Plot location map

Field Description of Soil, Plot HV-6

Plot Number:HV-6
Location:Fluvial Terrace, 100m west of runway just east across Dalton Highway from HV camp
Description by:A. Gallant and N. Auerbach
Sample Date:7/21/94
Sample Time:14:31
Parent Material:Stabilized alluvium (sands and gravel)
Geomorphic Surface:featureless, less than 20 frost scars
Elevation:900 ft
Vegetation:Dry Dryas integrifolia, Lupinus arcticus, Tomentypnum nitens, dwarf shrub, forb tundra
surface moss0-0.5 cm | No sample
Abrupt, smooth boundary.
Oa10.5-2 cm | Sample S-82
Black (10YR 2/2). Less than 10% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many fine and very fine roots and cobbles to 14 cm in diameter.
A2-4 cm | Sample S-83
(10YR 2.5/1). 75% gravel, nonsticky and slightly plastic consistence (wet). Silty loam texture with abrupt, smooth boundary. Many fine and very fine roots and cobbles to 14 cm in diameter.
Oa24-6 cm | Sample S-84
Black (10 YR 2/1). 75% gravel, nonsticky, non plastic consistence (wet). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Many fine and very fine roots and cobbles to 14 cm in diameter.
B26-30+ cm | Sample S-85
Very dark gray (10YR 3/1). Weak, medium, granular structure with 75% gravel. Nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet); sandy loam texture with abrupt, smooth boundary. Common fine and very fine roots with cobbles to 21 cm in diameter.
30+ cm
very stony, didn't dig past this point, didn't reach permafrost